Everyone probably grew up with rules that they had to follow within their families, but some were a bit … Stranger than others. We recently posted about these unusual house rules that people have never interviewed as children, but certainly now. Surprisingly enough, quite a few commentators have growing up similar bizarre limitations. This is what they shared.
1.“I was only allowed to eat those 100-calories packages for snacks, and my mother would get angry if I had more than one package. She emphasized ‘everything soften’ but had a strict ruver rule without junk food at home. I found this strange compared to friends and classmates, those packages of Oreos and ice cream with meals.”
Chips Ahoy! 100 calories packed thin chips and a mint for size comparison. Packaging includes “Baked Chocolate Chip Snacks.”
2.“We had to announce to my mother that we were going to the bathroom to make a bowel movement.”
– Psychiclion30
3.“If I was sick on a Friday, I would not be allowed to go anywhere all weekend. My sisters were inclined to skip school, so my parents thought this to prevent us from being sick.”
Child in bed with a thermometer in the mouth, parent control temperature, reassuring by hand on forehead, teddy bear in bed
4.“We could not leave the table until an adult apologized. We were also not apologized unless all our food had disappeared, and we were forced to eat everything on our plate or we liked it or not. I hated Yams but was forced to eat every thanksgiving.
5.‘Not my family, but that of a friend. I ate two or three times. Batman Or a show. I was an adult before I even saw some of these shows in repetitions. “
Family gathered around a dining table, talked and shares drinks, with a child who is sitting with her mother. Cozy, home environment visible
6.“My friend’s mother had all the children shower after pooping. If it was too late at the day, they were not allowed to go outside and play. Unnecessary to say that if they had fun, they just squeak their pants and play. Their mother did not allow them to sleep in their own beds. They slept in the cooling.”
—Onia, Ohio
7.“No bathing during a thunderstorm or talking in a storm on the phone.”
A person who washes his hair in the shower, focused on rinsing shampoo, visible on their heads with bubbles
8.“I come from a large family; I have 10 brothers and sisters. We were never allowed to refuse food or have seconds. My mother put the food on each of our plates, starting with my father. Then every child was served, from oldest to the youngest to the youngest to the youngest. My mother had not become cooking of cooking. Dinner at a friend’s house.
9.“My mother raised me to believe that the use of two toothbrushes (one for the teeth and the other for the tongue) was the norm. When I went out with someone at the university, we started brushing our teeth, and I pulled out my two toothbrushes as if it were most normal in the world and asked him where his second teeth was not normal.
Hand with a toothbrush under running tap water in a sink in the bathroom
—Kay, 45, California
10.“I was allowed to eat nothing but Jell-O or Pudding if no one else was home. To be honest, my mother was afraid that I was choking. The limit of Fig Newton’s was also two.”
11.“To reduce the family’s water bill, my friend’s father would not let anyone rinse through the toilet all day, regardless of what was in it. The last person who went to bed at night could finally rinse the toilet. Imagine what a family of four collected every day in that toilet!”
Hand reaches to the rinsing handle on a toilet with a sink in the bathroom and toilet paper rolls in the background
12.“Every time we were sick from school, we were not allowed to do nothing but lie in bed that day. My mother thought that if you were too sick to go to school, you were too sick to play, too sick to watch TV, or too sick to read. I was really good at sneaking things and telling myself stories to keep me busy.”
13.“My father was outside the bathroom and shouted,” Two squares! ” Because we had to use only two squares of toilet.
A child’s hand draws toilet paper from a wall -made holder in a bathroom
14.“We had a ‘no feeding from other children’ rule. I understood a bit, because my mother wanted the dinner to be time and did not want random children to float around the food.
– Whale_tail
15.‘Not my family, but that of a friend. Her family was super ultra ridiculously Christian, and she prayed for everything, and I mean everything. Of course they would pray for dinner and bed, which is normal for some families, but there was so much more. In a car they all came together and prayed when they were prayed while they were prayed while they were prayed, we prayed. ” When children would play outside: ‘Jesus, let these children feel your love and glory.
People keep hand in prayer about an open book, possibly a Bible, who suggest a moment of family unit or reflection
“Almost every little thing they did, pray first. They also had a satellite dish in the garden and a kind of Christian TV subscription. They only had Christian TV channels.
As a child it crawls out and I didn’t spend the night anymore. “
– Imashes
16.“I had an inverted curfew: I was not allowed to come home before 11 p.m. on Friday evening.
17.“Growing up on a ranch with nine brothers in West -Texas was very difficult. One of the things my family stood on was that we all share the same bath water. After one person took a bath, the next person used the same bath water, etc. Let myself take a bath and have to take very hot showering every day because of my fear of dirty bath water and not get clean enough!”
A partially filled bathtub with running water, creating soft bubbles on the surface
—Anonym, 58, Texas
18.“We were not allowed to sit on a couch in the house or touch walls. When my mother came home, my brothers and sisters and I would rush to smooth out the plastic -covered couch and sit on the floor before she entered.”
Did you have a “house rule” that grew up that you later realized that you were not normal? Tell us about it in the comments or fill in this anonymous form.
NOTE: Some reactions have been edited for length and/or clarity.